The seeds of today become the flowers of tomorrow. All that we have for tomorrow comes from what we do today!

Bulb & Plant Giveaway

In the spring, Libby Espey has again graciously offered to provide members with pollinator plants to entice bees and butterflies into your yards and gardens. Pick up date at Saturday, May 20, 2023. Members, please check your email or newsletter for pick up location and details.

National Garden Week

National Garden Week takes place annually in the first full week of June. This year it is held from June 4 to 10. It is spearheaded by National Garden Clubs, a nonprofit organization headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri that promotes the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility. The day is about […]

Business Meeting & End of Year Dinner: “Garden Party”

Leeland Room 720 Fayette Street, Conshohocken, PA, United States

Business Meeting & End of Year Dinner: "Garden Party" Presented by: Social Events Committee Chair: Ellen McGarrigle Overview: Join us for a Garden Party at the Leeland Mansion. 6:30 PM Cocktails 7:00 PM Dinner For more information about the event Contact Us.

GCFP District I Business Meeting and Presidents’ Luncheon

Meeting: GCFP District I Business Meeting and Presidents' Luncheon Location: Stroud Water Research Center 970 Spencer Rd, Avondale, PA 19311 Time: 11am District Meeting 11:30am: Lunch 12:15pm: Presentation and Tour For more information visit the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania website. 

Board Meeting

The June board meeting is scheduled for the 21st at 7 p.m., hosted by Libby Espey. Members, please check your email for event details, location, and contact information. For more information about the event Contact Us.

Business Meeting & Welcome Back Social “French Country Apple”

Packer Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church 966 Trinity Lane, King of Prussia, PA, United States

Business Meeting & Welcome Back Social "French Country Apple" Presented by: Hospitality, Membership & Social Events Committee Chair: Karen Bruno Overview: Enjoy a fun meeting with apple fun facts and trivia. After the meeting and social, Committee Chairs will break out with their committee members and review responsibilities. NGC Goals & Objectives: Horticulture, Gardening Fellowship […]

Upper Merion Farmers Market

Norview Farm Park 670 N Henderson Road, King of Prussia, PA

Visit Us at the Upper Merion Farmer's Market! Presented by: Communications & Publicity Committee Chair: Colleen Gassert WWGC will be at the Upper Merion Farmers Market at Norview Farm Park We will have a table with information about the club & membership, handouts, and even some plant giveaways. If you are a gardener or enjoy […]

Board Meeting

The September Board Meeting is scheduled for the 2oth at 6:30 p.m., hosted by Libby Espey & Susan Dearden Bryan. Members, please check your yearbook for event details, location, and contact information. For more information about the event Contact Us.

Upper Merion Farmers Market

Norview Farm Park 670 N Henderson Road, King of Prussia, PA

Visit Us at the Upper Merion Farmer's Market! Presented by: Communications & Publicity Committee Chair: Colleen Gassert WWGC will be at the Upper Merion Farmers Market at Norview Farm Park We will have a table with information about the club & membership, handouts, and even some plant giveaways. If you are a gardener or enjoy […]

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